Enter Price

It is born in 1993 as consulting, planning and development company of services linked to the Information and Communication Technology field operating in the field of Health and of the Public Administration. Today it offers services of management and executive consulting for the Public Administration thanks to the specific skills in the field matured by its consultants; it offers solutions on projects relevant to Strategic Management, Data-Warehousing, Business Management, Improvement of Quality, Process Auditing, Integration Technology.

Insoft 2000 S.r.l.

Since the year 2000, Insoft deals with the proposal of solutions in the supply of systems and services in the Public Administration and in public and private Health where it has acquired skills and references in clinical and health systems operating, both as dealer of big multinational and national companies, and through direct references.

Enter Price Agency

La società si occupa di offrire consulenza tecnico-economica, di gestione e direzione per imprese private, pubbliche e a capitale misto. Nello specifico offre servizi di progettazione e realizzazione di impianti tecnologici, ivi comprese le forniture di attrezzature elettromedicali per la sanità pubblica e privata ; elaborazione dei dati gestionali per proprio conto e per conto terzi.

The company offers technical and economic consulting, management and direction for private and public and mixed capital companies. Specifically, it offers services of design and construction of technological systems, including the supply of electromedical equipment for public and private health care strucutures; preparation of management reports for own account and for third parties.

Bi Solution S.r.l.

Born in 2002, it is a business intelligence consultation company operating mainly in the fields of Health and Central and Local Public Administration. It offers consultation of the Strategic Management, for the development of Data-Warehousing, Business Management, Improvement of Quality, Process Auditing.